


Lior Klisman

About Me

Lior Klisman

An experienced mentor who can relate to your experiences and provide support for your professional and personal
development, helping you thrive and succeed.

My Purpose

As a 3x founder, I’ve personally experienced the isolation and confusion that can happen while building a company. I needed someone to talk to. I had numerous questions to ask and I looked for unbiased feedback and guidance to help me gain focus and direction. This experience helped me shape myself into becoming the coach that I would have wanted to have for myself, and the type of coach I am for others. I invest in people and bridge gaps using communication tools.

My Vision

If it’s business, personal, or personal business, I help ambitious founders navigate stress, manage self-doubt, and build healthy relationships to thrive both personally and professionally. I am valued for my authentic, friendly, approachable, and direct coaching style, which helps my clients navigate uncertainties and gain clarity. Our interactions are personalized and impactful with no one-size-fits all solutions.

My Mission

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or aiming for an early stage funding, I provide tactical guidance in fundraising, board meeting effectiveness, product-market fit, go-to-market strategies, SalesOps, operations, founding team hiring, and security/compliance. Together, we meet, talk, and delve deep into your challenges to break down complex issues and find the best path forward.